Law is a mandatory legal rule or norm issued by the competent authority of a territory. Its purpose is to allow or prohibit some action by individuals with the aim of regulating human behavior and achieving a harmonious coexistence within a society.
Laws are
fundamental tools to maintain social order within a territory. They establish
the attitudes that individuals are expected to have and prohibit those that go
against the common good or the rights of citizens.
The laws are
sanctioned in order to protect the rights and establish duties and obligations
that guarantee the correct development of individuals and society.
In philosophical
context, ethics and morality have different meanings. Ethics is related to the
well-founded study of the moral values that guide human behavior in society,
while morality is the customs, norms, taboos, and agreements established by
each society.
The relationship
between ethics and morality is based on the fact that both are responsible for
building the base that will guide human behavior, determining their character,
their altruism and their virtues, and for teaching the best way to act and
behave in society.
After read and investigate, answer the question provied by the teacher.
What is law?
What is ethics and moral?
How is the law in your country?
How is the law in United State?
Analyze the difference and similarities between law, ethics and morals from your country and United State.
How is the law in united state
ResponderEliminarA US public law is a federal law that has general applicability throughout the nation.
The laws of the United States are divided into federal and state laws. Federal laws are made by the federal Congress, made up of a Senate and a House of Representatives, and apply throughout the country.José Alberto León#23,5toC
EliminarLas leyes federales son dictadas por el Congreso federal, compuesto de un Senado y una Cámara de Representantes, y rigen en todo el país.
EliminarLas leyes estatales son dictadas por el Congreso de cada estado y solo se ejecutan en su territorio.
Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.
ResponderEliminarThe Ethics and morality of the Dominican Republic is respect, responsibility, empathy, love and forgiveness.
EliminarThe Ethics and morality of the United States is trust, responsibility, forgiveness, patience and tolerance.
2-Morality is the set of customs and norms that are considered "good" to direct or judge the behavior of people in a community. 1] It is also the differentiation of intentions, decisions and actions between those that are distinguished as their own (right) and those that are improper (incorrect).[ 2] It is distinguished from ethics in that this is a cross-cultural or universal morality, although they are often confused. Morality makes it possible to distinguish which actions are good and which are bad with objective criteria. Another perspective defines it as the knowledge of what the human being must do or avoid to preserve social stability
ResponderEliminarFernando joseph
Eliminar3-Anyone who, with the use of electronic, computer, telematic or telecommunications systems, exercises acts of terrorism, will be punished with a penalty of twenty to thirty years of imprisonment and a fine of three hundred to one thousand minimum wages, from the public sector
EliminarFernando joseph
EliminarJoel capellán 5toA
EliminarRule or norm established by a higher authority to regulate, in accordance with justice, some aspect of social relations.
Ética y moral
EliminarMorality is the set of customs and norms that are considered "good" to direct or judge the behavior of people in a community. It is also the differentiation of intentions, decisions and actions between those that are distinguished as proper and improper
Cómo es la ley en tu país
EliminarLaw 108-05 - On Real Estate Registration (Modified)a
Cómo es la ley en Estados Unidos
Eliminarcriminal law
Criminal law regulates the legal consequences for people who commit crimes, as well as the procedure that must be followed in these
To certain values, such as life and the protection of rights and property, but legal norms usually set behavioral expectations lower than the demands imposed by ethics. Fernando Joseph
ResponderEliminar2.ethics is related to the grounded style of moral values that guide human behavior in society.
EliminarMorals are the customs and norms established with each society.
The relationship between this ethics and morality is based on both, responsible for building human behavior, determining their character towards society.
Carolina Ramírez montero 5toB
ResponderEliminar1Rule or norm established by a higher authority to regulate, in accordance with justice, some aspect of social relations.
2Ethics or moral philosophy is the branch of philosophy that studies human behavior, right and wrong, good and bad, morality, good living, virtue, happiness and duty
El artículo 4 de la Constitución de la República Dominicana establece la organización política y jurídica del Estado, la cual se divide en tres Poderes: Ejecutivo, Legislativo y Judicial
.4 El Poder Ejecutivo está representado por el Presidente de la República, quien es elegido por voto popular cada cuatro años.
5Morality is more practical than ethics: Ethics is a reflection on the principles and reason on moral values / judgments, however, morality can be a set of rules that apply in a community. That is, morality refers to practices and ethics theorizes
Rule or norm established by a superior authority to regulate, in accordance with justice, in some aspect of social relations.
ResponderEliminarIn both countries there is a lot of crime. In DR, 66.4 of the population considers that crime is the main problem that affects us.
ResponderEliminarThe crime rate in the United States is also quite high.
Ethics in the US is much more preferable than that of the Dominican Republic, since the supreme court is of higher rank than that of the DR.
It is also said that in the United States people of color do not have rights. Yes most US citizens are very racist. while in the DR the laws are applied to all types of people regardless of skin color.
Because for many, the best country in the world is one where the laws are not respected, where everyone can do what they want without fear of a fine or sanctions for transgressing the rules. The Dominican Republic is the country in which any violation of the law is resolved by bribing the "authority"
Regla o norma establecida por una autoridad superior para regular, de acuerdo con la justicia, algún aspecto de las relaciones sociales.
ResponderEliminarLa ética puede ser la teoría racionar de cómo actuar en sociedad. La moral es la forma en que actuamos, el comportamiento, el hábito.
Las leyes, después de promulgadas, se publicarán en la forma que la ley determine y se les dará la más amplia difusión posible. Serán obligatorias una vez transcurridos los plazos para que se reputen conocidas en todo el territorio nacional.
Las leyes de los Estados Unidos se dividen en leyes federales y estatales. Las leyes federales son dictadas por el Congreso federal, compuesto de un Senado y una Cámara de Representantes, y rigen en todo el país. Las leyes estatales son dictadas por el Congreso de cada estado y solo se ejecutan en su territorio
• Estados Unidos a prueba la pena de muerte mientras que República Dominicana no.
• la protección del medio ambiente de toma mucho encuentra aplicando sanciones en USA mientras que en RD no.
• también los días feriados cambian mucho.
• entre las similitudes encontramos el derecho al votó • Estados Unidos a prueba la pena de muerte mientras que República Dominicana no.
ResponderEliminar1-What is the law?
the law is a rule where they are fundamental tools to maintain social order within a citizen territory.
2-What is ethics and morality?
ethics is related to the grounded style of moral values that guide human behavior in society.
Morals are the customs and norms established with each society.
The relationship between this ethics and morality is based on both, responsible for building human behavior, determining their character towards society.
3-How is the law in your country?
The laws are based on the rights, duties and responsibilities of all citizens so that all citizens are convinced to obey and respect the rules called for by the country's leaders and representatives.
4-How is the law in the United States?
The laws of the United States are divided into federal and state laws. Federal laws are made by the federal Congress, made up of a Senate and a House of Representatives, and apply throughout the country.
-5 similarities:
The authorities try to ensure that society respects the rules and laws and that the country is under the control of human rights.
what is law: Law is a mandatory legal rule or norm issued by the competent authority of a territory. Its purpose is to allow or prohibit some action by individuals with the aim of regulating human behavior and achieving a harmonious coexistence within a society.
ResponderEliminar2 Ethics is a branch of philosophy that “involves systematising, defending, and recommending concepts of right and wrong behaviour. Morality can be a body of standards or principles derived from a code of conduct from a particular philosophy, religion, or culture.
ResponderEliminarFederal laws are bills that have passed both houses of Congress, been signed by the president, passed over the president's veto, or allowed to become law without the president's signature
ResponderEliminar1= It is a legal norm dictated by the legislator, that is, a precept established by the competent authority, in which something is ordered or prohibited in accordance with justice, the non-compliance of which entails a sanction.
ResponderEliminar2=Ethics defined as a theory as a reflection on free acts and the argumentation of the motives for action. Important factors are included in this definition: reflection, argumentation, rights and duties. And morality is defined as the actions of the subjects, in the relationship with others.
3=It is a set of rules of a legal nature that regulate the collective life of individuals in order to preserve their harmony and existence. This has a heteronomous character, that is, they are applied regardless of the will of the people, they must abide by them whether they want to or not.
4=The laws of the United States are divided into federal and state laws. Federal laws are made by the federal Congress, made up of a Senate and a House of Representatives, and apply throughout the country. State laws are dictated by the Congress of each state and are only executed in its territory.
5=In both countries there is a lot of crime. In DR, 66.4 of the population considers that crime is the main problem that affects us.
The crime rate in the United States is also quite high.
Ethics in the US is much more preferable than that of the Dominican Republic, since the supreme court is of higher rank than that of the DR.
It is also said that in the United States people of color do not have rights. Yes most US citizens are very racist. while in the DR the laws are applied to all types of people regardless of skin color.
In the United States, new ideas and new ways of doing things are valued. Americans like to look ahead, make 5.things better, and be prepared for the future. There is a preference for things quick and easy. Making things efficient is important.
Eliminar2 Ethics or moral philosophy is the branch of philosophy that studies human behavior, right and wrong, good and bad, morality, good living, virtue, happiness and duty
ResponderEliminarEl artículo 4 de la Constitución de la República Dominicana establece la organización política y jurídica del Estado, la cual se divide en tres Poderes: Ejecutivo, Legislativo y
ResponderEliminar3-the las establish duties and rights for allá citizens equally , so that social coexistence Is possible. Before the law , allá citizens aré equal, that Is, they haber the dame obligations, the dame responsabilices and the dame rights.
[8/5 5:06 p. m.] Ranyer: 1) ¿Qué es la ley?
ResponderEliminarEs una regla o norma dictada por la autoridad competente de cada sitio en particular. Su objeto es ordenar o prohibir toda acción contraria a la justicia.
2) ¿Qué es la ética y la moral?
La ética es la doctrina sobre la moralidad; el sistema de normas y reglas de conducta de las personas en su relación con la sociedad y entre sí, que es una de las formas en que se eleva la conciencia social, sirve también para la convivencia pacífica entre los seres humanos y promueve el comportamiento.
La moralidad tiene una gran importancia en la vida y las acciones de las personas, ya que nos ayuda a definir o distinguir lo que está bien y lo que está mal, por lo tanto, una persona que mantiene un valor como la moral, puede actuar y coincidir correctamente ante la sociedad.
3)¿Cómo es la ley en tu país?
La ley en mi país, República Dominicana, llega tarde para algunas personas, ya que en su mayoría las autoridades hacen la vista gorda en algunos asuntos y aspectos que son importantes, sería más atractivo o más justo que cada uno de nosotros cumpliera con los ley cuando la necesitamos sin abusar de ella.
4) ¿Cómo es la ley en Estados Unidos?
Como espectador del entorno puedo decir que las leyes en Estados Unidos son más exactas, más exigentes, más fuertes, a pesar de que las leyes son muy rígidas, se podría decir que es estable, es aceptable, como En todos los países siempre hay problemas con los inmigrantes, pero a pesar de esto el resto es aceptable.
5) Analizar la diferencia y similitudes entre la ley, la ética y la moral de su país y Estados Unidos.
la ética se ocupa de los principios y valores específicos de una actividad o profesión, mientras que la moral se ocupa de los principios y valores generales que guían el comportamiento humano en general.
[8/5 5:06 p. m.] Ranyer: 1)What is law?
It Is a rule ir norm that is dictated by the competent authority of each particular site.its purpose is to order ir prohibir any action un accordance with justice.
2)What is ethics and moral?
Ethics is the doctrine about morality; the system of norms and rules of conduct of people in their relationship with society and with each other, which is one of the ways in which social awareness is raised, also serves for peaceful coexistence between human beings and promotes behavior.
Morality carries a great importance on the life and actions of people, since it helps us to define or distinguish what is right and what is wrong, therefore a person who maintains such a value as morality, can act and coincide correctly before society.
3)How is the law in your country?
The law in my country, the Dominican Republic, is late for some people, since for the most part the authorities turn a blind eye to some matters and aspects that are important, it would be more attractive or fairer if each of us complied with the law when we need it without abusing it.
4)How is the law in United State?
As a spectator of the environment, I can say that the laws in the United States are more exact, more demanding, stronger, despite the fact that the laws are very rigid, it could be said that it is stable, it is acceptable, as in all countries there are always problems with immigrants, but despite This the rest is acceptable.
5)Analyze the difference and similarities between law, ethics and morals from your country and United State.
ethics deals with the specific principles and values in an activity or profession, while morality deals with the general principles and values that guide human behavior in general.
Francisco Antonio monserratte
1.It is a legal rule issued by the legislator
ResponderEliminar2.Ethics can also be defined as the study of morality, the way we act, behavior, habit. Ethics has more to do with theory and morality with practice
3.It is a set of norms of a legal nature that regulate the collective life of individuals in order to preserve their harmony and their existence
4.A US public law is a federal law that has general applicability throughout the nation. When Congress enacts a public law, it generally does not rewrite the entire law, or even entire sections of a law, but rather adds or changes specific words in a section
5.That here is DR there are laws that are not complied with and the United states does
Rouz del carmen 5toC
Yicelda Quezada 5toC
ResponderEliminar1-Rule or norm established by a higher authority to regulate, in accordance with justice, some aspect of social relations. The laws indicate forms of behavior that we must all respect, without exception.
2-Ethics is also defined as the study of morality, this is how we act in the city, morality is what we use to direct the behavior of people in a community.
3-In the Dominican legislative system, once a law is approved in both chambers of Congress, it must be sent to the executive branch for its promulgation and observation.
All bills admitted in one of the two chambers of the National Congress (Senate and Deputies) must be submitted to two different discussions with an interval of at least one day between both discussions. If the project is declared urgent, it must be discussed in two consecutive sessions.
4-The laws of the United States are divided into federal and state laws.
Federal laws are made by the federal Congress, made up of a Senate and a House of Representatives, and apply throughout the country.
State laws are dictated by the Congress of each state and are only executed in its territory.
There are matters that are the exclusive matter of the federal Congress, such as the immigration and nationality law, the Social Security law, international treaties and the declaration of war.
What is a law?
ResponderEliminarA law is a mandatory rule or norm of law issued by the competent authority of a territory. Its purpose is to allow or prohibit some action of individuals with the aim of regulating human behavior and achieving a harmonious coexistence within a society.
What is ethics and morals?
In philosophical context, ethics and morality have different meanings. Ethics is related to the grounded study of the moral values that guide human behavior in society, while morality is the customs, norms, taboos and agreements established by each society.
how is the law in your country?
The government of the Nation is essentially civil, republican, democratic and representative. It is divided into Legislative Power, Executive Power and Judicial Power. These three powers are independent in the exercise of their respective functions. Its managers are responsible and cannot delegate their powers, which are solely those determined by this Constitution and the laws.
How is the law in the United States?
The laws of the United States are divided into federal and state laws. Federal laws are enacted by the federal Congress, composed of a Senate and a House of Representatives, and are in force throughout the country. State laws are dictated by each state's Congress and are only enforced in its territory.
1.Regla o norma establecida por una autoridad superior para regular, de acuerdo con la justicia, algún aspecto de las relaciones sociales.
ResponderEliminar"es necesaria una ley que limite los productos tóxicos en este tipo de empresas"
2.La ética y la moral son dos nociones filosóficas que pertenecen a la misma familia conceptual y que se utilizan para referirse al comportamiento humano. Ambos conceptos, ética y moral, están estrechamente entrelazados, y en general se utilizan como sinónimos, aunque la literatura filosófica hace constante hincapié en marcar las difusas diferencias entre los dos.
Es un conjunto de normas de carácter jurídico que regular la vida colectiva de los individuos a los fines de preservar su armonía y su existencia. Esta tiene un carácter heterónomo, es decir se aplican independientemente de la voluntad de las personas, deben acatarlas quieran o no.
Las leyes de los Estados Unidos se dividen en leyes federales y estatales. Las leyes federales son dictadas por el Congreso federal, compuesto de un Senado y una Cámara de Representantes, y rigen en todo el país. Las leyes estatales son dictadas por el Congreso de cada estado y solo se ejecutan en su territorio.
Juan Carlos reyes
5toA #28
Claudia De Oleo #12 5to A
ResponderEliminar¿What is law?
Rule or norm established by a superior or regular auty.
¿what is ethical and moral?
Ethics studies morality and and determines what is good and how one should act.
¿how is the law in your country?
It is a of norms of a legal nature that regulate the collective life of individuals in order to preserve their harmony and their existence.
¿How is the law in the United States?
The laws of the United States are divided into federal and stable laws.
What is a law?
ResponderEliminarA law is a mandatory legal rule or norm dictated by the jurisdiction of a territory. Its purpose is to allow or prohibit some action by individuals with the aim of regulating human behavior and achieving a harmonious coexistence within a society.
What is ethics and morality?
The word ethics comes from the Greek ethos which means 'way of being' or 'character'.
Ethics studies the principles that should govern human conduct when trying to explain moral rules in a rational, well-founded, scientific, and theoretical way.
The word moral derives from the Latin word moralis, which means 'relating to customs'. Therefore, morality is defined as expressions of behavior based on the values and traditions of a society.
In other words, morality is the set of rules that is applied in daily life and used continuously by all citizens.
3-How is the law in your country?
All bills admitted to one of the two chambers of the National Congress (Senate and Deputies) must be submitted to two different discussions with an interval of at least one day between both discussions.
In the Dominican legislative system, once a law is approved in both chambers of Congress, it must be sent to the Executive Branch for its promulgation or observation. If he does not observe it, he will promulgate it within ten days of receipt.
A US public law is a federal law that has general applicability throughout the nation. When Congress enacts a public law, it generally does not rewrite the entire law, or even entire sections of a law, but rather adds or changes specific words in a section. These changes are then reflected in the broader set of public laws. This broader body of law is codified (or, essentially, collected and organized) by topic in the United States Code.
5-Analyze the difference and similarities between law, ethics and morals from your country and United State.
In my opinion, the laws of the Dominican Republic are not followed, the politicians are corrupt and they only care about money and they do not care if the citizens are safe or not, also most of the citizens do not comply with the laws for lack of of knowledge of these and the laws that if they know then they do not comply, it is a country that disrespects the laws and that brings consequences of corruption, crime and less protection for citizens.
In the United States the laws are complied with because it is a more advanced country and they take the laws very seriously, the police cannot do whatever they want just because they have some kind of authority, however in the DR the police believe they are more that
Juana Castillo 5to A #9
1.Regla o norma establecida por una autoridad superior para regular, de acuerdo con la justicia, algún aspecto de las relaciones sociales.
ResponderEliminar"es necesaria una ley que limite los productos tóxicos en este tipo de empresas"
2.La ética y la moral son dos nociones filosóficas que pertenecen a la misma familia conceptual y que se utilizan para referirse al comportamiento humano. Ambos conceptos, ética y moral, están estrechamente entrelazados, y en general se utilizan como sinónimos, aunque la literatura filosófica hace constante hincapié en marcar las difusas diferencias entre los dos.
Es un conjunto de normas de carácter jurídico que regular la vida colectiva de los individuos a los fines de preservar su armonía y su existencia. Esta tiene un carácter heterónomo, es decir se aplican independientemente de la voluntad de las personas, deben acatarlas quieran o no.
Alexander bisono gonzalez 5toA #7
ResponderEliminarWhat is law?
Statutory law, organic law or written law is a written law promulgated by a body of the legislative power.
What is ethics and moral?
Morality is the set of customs and norms that are considered "good" to direct or judge the behavior of people in a community.
How is the law in your country?
Formation of Laws in the Dominican Republic | Carlos ...
It is a set of norms of a legal nature that regulate the collective life of individuals in order to preserve their harmony and their existence.
How is the law in United State?
is a federal law that has general applicability throughout the nation
ethics deals with the specific principles and values in an activity or profession, while morality deals with the general principles and values that guide human behavior in general.
It is written law promulgated by a body of the legislative power. This is opposed to oral or customary law; or regulatory law enacted by the executive or common law of the judiciary. Statutes may originate from national, state, or local municipal legislatures. Ana María Desir
ResponderEliminarMorality is the set of customs and norms that are considered "good" to direct or judge the behavior of people in a community. It is also the differentiation of intentions, decisions and actions between those that are distinguished as proper (correct) and improper (incorrect). It is distinguished from ethics in that this is a transcultural or universal morality, although they are often confused. Morality allows us to distinguish which actions are good and which are bad with objective criteria. Another perspective defines it as the knowledge of what the human being Ana María Desir 5toB
ResponderEliminarRule or rule established by a higher authority to regulate, according to justice, some aspect of social relations.
ResponderEliminarSolangi Etienne Luis 5toC #16
ResponderEliminar¿What is law?
Is is a rule or norm established by a higher authority.
¿What is ethics and morality?
Ethics refers to flexions and personal decisions. about the rules set of customs and normas that are considered good for directing or judging the behavior of people in a cummunity.
¿How is the law in your country?
It is a set of rules of a legal nature that regulate the collective life of individuals in order to preserve their harmony and existence. This has a heteronomous character, that is, they are applied regardless of the will of the people, they must abide by them whether they want to or not.
¿How is the law in the United States?
The laws of the United States are divided into federal and state laws. Federal laws are made by the federal Congress, made up of a Senate and a House of Representatives, and apply throughout the country. State laws are dictated by the Congress of each state and are only executed in their territory
What is a Law: it is a legal norm dictated by the legislator, that is, a precept established by the competent authority, in which something is ordered or prohibited in accordance with justice, the non-compliance of which leads to a sanction.
ResponderEliminarIn other words, ethics can also be defined as the study of morality, the rational theory of how to act in society. Morality is the way we act, behavior, habit. Ethics has more to do with theory and morality with practice.
It is a set of rules of a legal nature that regulate the collective life of individuals in order to preserve their harmony and existence.
The laws of the United States are divided into federal and state laws. Federal laws are made by the federal Congress, made up of a Senate and a House of Representatives, and apply throughout the country. State laws are dictated by the Congress of each state and are only executed in its territory.
Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.
ResponderEliminar1-A law is a legal norm established by a competent authority, such as a government or a legislative body, which has a mandatory nature and must be complied with by individuals within a society. Laws are created with the purpose of regulating and organizing social coexistence, establishing rights and obligations, and protecting the interests and rights of individuals.
ResponderEliminar2-Ethics refers to the study of moral principles and the analysis of what is right or wrong, good or bad, in human behavior. On the other hand, morality refers to the set of norms and values that guide people's conduct in a specific society.
3-In the Dominican Republic, the legal system is governed by a civil code and a constitution. The National Congress is responsible for approving laws, while the Constitution establishes the fundamental principles and the rights and duties of citizens. Additionally, there are specific laws that regulate different areas of law, such as criminal, civil, labor, fiscal, and commercial law.
4-In the United States, the law is based on a common law system influenced by the English legal tradition and the Constitution of the United States. The American legal system is characterized by a combination of statutory and case law.
The Constitution of the United States is the fundamental law of the country and establishes the structure and powers of the federal government, as well as the fundamental rights and freedoms of the citizens.
Legal Systems: The Dominican Republic follows a legal system of Roman-Germanic tradition or civil law, based on written legislation and the Civil Code. In contrast, the United States has a legal system based on common law, which develops through court precedents.
Legal Sources: In the Dominican Republic, written law is the primary source of the legal system, with an emphasis on legislation and codes. In the United States, in addition to legislation, court precedents and the interpretation of the Constitution by the Supreme Court are fundamental legal sources.
Respect for the Law: Both in the Dominican Republic and the United States, there is a general recognition of the importance of complying with and respecting the law as a basis for maintaining social order and stability.
Common Ethical Principles: Both countries share fundamental ethical principles, such as respect for others, honesty, justice, and personal responsibility.
Ángel Jesús Lara Severino 5to A, número 20#
In the constitutional regime, provision voted by the legislative chambers and sanctioned by the Head of State. José Alberto#23,5toC
ResponderEliminarMorality is the set of rules and norms that regulate the behavior of the individual or a society. Ethics is the discipline that reflects on moral problems and dilemmas and studies how these rules are exercised.José Alberto León#23,5toC
ResponderEliminar1:It is that which imposes duties and norms, or is associated with human conduct. 2:Ethics: is human behavior. Moral: includes, practicing and being interested in ethical values such as respec, justice, sitizenship. 3:well for me the law in this country is very uncomfortable becaus the rules they impose are not very good but therefore many of them we do nota comply with them. 4:I think this law is good because it si bases on a federal and court system other than that, ir is Unique and complies with many things that ir should comply with.
ResponderEliminarLuis Miguel Raymond 5toC #37
ResponderEliminar1-What is the law?
the law is a rule where they are fundamental tools to maintain social order within a citizen territory.
2- Ethics is a systematic and critical analysis of morality, of the moral factors that guide human conduct in a given practice or society.
3-Cómo es la ley en tu país?
La ley en mi país, República Dominicana, llega tarde para algunas personas, ya que en su mayoría las autoridades hacen la vista gorda en algunos asuntos y aspectos que son importantes, sería más atractivo o más justo que cada uno de nosotros cumpliera con los ley cuando la necesitamos sin abusar de ella.
4-The laws of the United States are divided into federal and state laws. Federal laws are made by the federal Congress, made up of a Senate and a House of Representatives, and apply throughout the country. State laws are dictated by the Congress of each state and are only executed in their territory.
5- This section seeks to account for the conditions that gave rise to an informal militarized imperialism in the relationship between the United States and the Dominican Republic. The central argument is that the militarized character of this imperial relationship is linked, on the one hand the Dominican Republic has a heteronomous character, that is, they are applied regardless of the will of the people while in the United States they are divided into federal and state laws.
1-) Rule or norm established by a higher authority to regulate, in accordance with justice, some aspect of social relations. 2-)Morality is the set of rules and norms that regulate the behavior of the individual or a society. Ethics is the discipline that reflects on moral problems and dilemmas and studies how these rules are exercised. 3-)It is a set of norms of a legal nature that regulate the collective life of individuals in order to preserve their harmony and their existence. This has a heteronomous character, that is, they are applied regardless of the will of the people, they must abide by them whether they want to or not. 4-)The laws of the United States are divided into federal and state laws. Federal laws are made by the federal Congress, made up of a Senate and a House of Representatives, and apply throughout the country. State laws are dictated by the Congress of each state and are only executed in their territory. 5-)
The study of comparative law is of great importance for the legal development of peoples, since it allows us to observe the behavior of citizens of different countries; in the context of the legal system that is implemented in said country. The comparison of rights, from different countries can be carried out with different purposes, among these we can point out "a# improve national law with the introduction of our legal figure that can expand our law as well as adapt it to the new times, b# better know and understand our legal system for philosophical, pedagogical purposes, etc. From the above it is clear that the research work that I present below is framed within what a comparative study on law, the same verse on a comparative analysis of the 'onstitution of the States (nests of) America * and the 'onstitution of the +epblica % Dominican.In this didactic material, I make a comparison between these two -'artas agnas- or-Law of Laws-, establishing in it their differences as well as their similarity, the contributions and modifications that can benefit both 'institutions, finally establishing what influence the law and the 'institution have in these 'artas magna, it is good! to point out that we are facing a comparison between an 'institution, whose original articles have not been altered in their essence, rather they have introduced amendments to update it and cover some aspects that have escaped it to the original drafters of said 'arte or to introduce, some constant one has become a fact or an inviolable law, on the other hand we have the 'Dominican Constitution, which has been modified countless times or rather each time that politics and legislators have wanted to make use of it to satisfy their personal needs. It is important to point out that the constitution of the States (nidos) is the oldest 'artaagna in the world, it is about /012#! years old; that of the +Public %Dominicana
On the Constitution of the United States of North America
The Constitution of the States (nidos), about two hundred years old, drafted in 1554, was a remarkable document and continues to retain that characteristic with few substantial modifications, still providing an exemplary structure of representative government and an admirable protection of fundamental rights. The principle Federalism limits official An easy way to remember the difference between morality and ethics is that morality applies to a group, such as those customs that must be obeyed for good action, while ethics comes from the individual's reflection on which actions are moral and which ones No. Name: Carla Michell Lebron Florentino 5toB
Antoni Mariñez Montero 5toB
ResponderEliminarWhat is law?
Statutory law, organic law or written law is written law promulgated by a body of the legislative power. This is opposed to oral or customary law; o regulatory law promulgated by the executive o common law of the judiciary.
What is ethical and moral?
In other words, ethics can also be defined as the study of morality, the rational theory of how to act in society. Morality is the way we act, behavior, habit. Ethics has more to do with theory and morality, with practice.
How is the law in the Dominican Republic?
It is a set of rules of a legal nature that regulate the collective life of individuals in order to preserve their harmony and existence. This has a heteronomous character, that is, they are applied regardless of the will of the people, they must abide by them whether they want to or not.
How is the law in the Estados Unidos?
A US public law is a federal law that has general applicability throughout the nation. When Congress enacts a public law, it generally does not rewrite the entire law, or even entire sections of a law, but rather adds or changes specific words in a section.
Difference between tem.
The difference between these two las is that the law of the Dominican Republic is responsable for the life of individuals, their harmony and their existece. And the law of the Uniete staten is divides into two federal and state parts, federal congruess and the state is in Charger of the congruess of esch state.
Analyze the diference between these two las, the Uniet States and the Dominican Republic.
ResponderEliminarWhat is the law?
ResponderEliminar-The law is a set of rules and norms that are established by a legitimate authority, in order to regulate human behavior in a society and protect the rights and duties of individuals. These rules are mandatory and can be sanctioned in case of non-compliance.
What is ethics and morals?
Ethics and morality are two concepts related to human behavior and decision-making.Ethics refers to a set of principles and values that guide human behavior in a given context, and that help us distinguish between what is right and what is wrong.
Ethics is based on reason, reflection and critical analysis.
On the other hand, morality refers to a set of norms and values that are rooted in the culture and tradition of a society, and that establish what is considered right or wrong in a given situation. Morality is based on custom and tradition, and can vary from one society to another.
In short, while ethics is based on universal rational principles, morality is based on the cultural and social norms of a particular community.
What is the law like in your country?
-The law in the Dominican Republic is a set of rules and regulations that govern the behavior of citizens and institutions in the country.
These laws are established by the Dominican government and are
Designed to protect the rights and freedoms of citizens, as well as to guarantee the safety and well-being of society in general.
Some of the most important laws in the Dominican Republic include the
Constitution, the Criminal Code, the Civil Code and the Traffic Law.
Differences and similarities of the ethical and moral law of your country and the United States.
-The law, ethics and morality of the Dominican Republic and the United States have some similarities but also
Significant differences.
As for the similarities, both
The Dominican Republic and the United States have laws that establish norms and rules for the behavior of citizens and institutions.
Both countries also have an ethics and moral that influence the way people behave and make decisions.
However, there are some important differences. In the Dominican Republic, the Catholic religion has a strong influence on ethics and morals, while in the United States, religion does not play such an important role.
In addition, the laws in the United States are based on the Constitution of the United States, while in the Dominican Republic, the Constitution is one of the most important laws but not the only one.
In terms of specific laws, there are differences in terms of the minimum voting age, same-sex marriage, the legalization of marijuana and other issues. There are also differences in the way the laws are applied and enforced in each country.
In summary, while both countries have laws, ethics and morals that influence the behavior of their citizens, there are significant differences in terms of how these rules are applied and enforced.
Iandra Alicia Valerio #31 5toA
-The law is a Rule or norm established by a superior authority to regulate, in accordance with justice, some aspect of social relations. In the constitutional regime, provision voted by the legislative chambers and sanctioned by the Head of State.
ResponderEliminar-Morality is the set of customs and norms that are considered "good" to direct or judge the behavior of people in a community. It is also the differentiation of intentions, decisions and actions between those that are distinguished as proper and improper and ethics has to do with the commitment to be a good person, which goes through the realization of the common good, it is the branch of knowledge that deals with the study of the moral actions of individuals and groups as well as the rules and norms that govern that behavior in a given society.
-The law in the Dominican Republic It is a set of legal regulations that regulate the collective life of individuals in order to preserve their harmony and existence. This has a heteronomous character, that is, they are applied regardless of the will of the people, they must abide by them whether they want to or not.
-The laws of the United States are divided into federal and state laws. Federal laws are made by the federal Congress, made up of a Senate and a House of Representatives, and apply throughout the country. State laws are dictated by the Congress of each state and are only executed in their territory
-The Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the Dominican Republic share some basic principles, such as the protection of individual rights and the division of powers, but there are also significant differences. Here are some key differences
Amendments: The United States Constitution is much easier to amend, requiring a simple majority in both houses of Congress and ratification by two-thirds of the states. On the other hand, the Constitution of the Dominican Republic requires a two-thirds majority of both houses of Congress and a popular referendum.
Division of powers: Both countries have a system of separation of powers, but in the Dominican Republic, the executive branch is more powerful and the judiciary is less independent.
Individual Rights: Both constitutions protect individual rights, but the United States Constitution is more explicit about these rights and expands them compared to the Constitution of the Dominican Republic.
Abortion: The United States Constitution protects the right to a safe and legal abortion, while in the Dominican Republic abortion is prohibited in almost all circumstances.
In general, both constitutions seek to protect individual rights and ensure justice, but the way in which they do so varies significantly.
José Gonzalez (5to B)
Alexi Rosario#29
ResponderEliminarWha Is ethics AND moral?
ln other words, ethics can also be defined as the study of morality, the rational theory of how to act in society. Morality is the way we act, behavior, habit. Ethics has more to do with theory and morality with practice.
What Is law que es ley?
Rule or norm established by a higher authority to regulate, in accordance with justice, some aspect of social relations.
Joe Is the law in your contry?
Laws are the set of legal norms dictated by a legislator, that is, by a competent authority in the matter.
Joe Is the law in united Staten?
The laws of the United States are divided into federal and state laws. Federal laws are made by the federal Congress, made up of a Senate and a House of Representatives, and apply throughout the country. State laws are dictated by the Congress of each state and are only executed in its territory.
Rule or norm established by a higher authority to regulate, in accordance with justice, some aspect of social relations.
ResponderEliminarMorality is the set of customs and norms that are considered "good" to direct or judge the behavior of people in a community. It is also the differentiation of intentions, decisions and actions between those that are distinguished as their own and the improper.
It is a set of legal rules that regulate the collective life of individuals in order to preserve their harmony and their existence. This has a heteronomy character, that is, they are applied regardless of the will of the people, they must abide by them whether they want to or not.
The laws of the United States are divided into federal and state laws. Federal laws are dictated by the federal Congress, composed of a Senate and a House of Representatives, and apply throughout the country. State laws are dictated by the Congress of each state and are only enforced in its territory
DIFFERENCES AND SIMILARITIES BETWEEN THE CONSTITUTION OF. REP.DOM. AND THAT OF THE UNITED STATES. Introduction The study of comparative law is of great importance ...
1- Rule or norm established by a superior authority to regulate, in accordance with justice, in some aspect of social relations.
ResponderEliminar2- Ethics is a systematic and critical analysis of morality, of the moral factors that guide human conduct in a given practice or society.
3- -In the Dominican Republic, the legal system is governed by a civil code and a constitution. The National Congress is responsible for approving laws, while the Constitution establishes the fundamental principles and the rights and duties of citizens. Additionally, there are specific laws that regulate different areas of law, such as criminal, civil, labor, fiscal, and commercial law.
4- Federal laws are made by the federal Congress, made up of a Senate and a House of Representatives, and apply throughout the country.
State laws are dictated by the Congress of each state and are only executed in its territory.
There are matters that are the exclusive matter of the federal Congress, such as the immigration and nationality law, the Social Security law, international treaties and the declaration of war.